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Class and income inequality were thought to be things inconsistent with the idea of America. The idea of the American dream were immigrants could come from the classist and unequal countries in Europe to make a better life in America. This idea is simply not true in today’s world. America ranks consistently on the lower end of equality next to other developed nations across the world.  

“another really important difference is how they get their greater equality. Sweden has huge differences in earnings, and it narrows the gap through taxation, general welfare state, generous benefits and so on. Japan is rather different though. It starts off with much smaller differences in earnings before tax. It has lower taxes. It has a smaller welfare state."

Child well being is a great indicator of how the society will mold and create its people and their mindsets Richard Wilkinson says, “Whether kids can talk to their parents, whether they have books at home, what immunization rates are like, whether there's bullying at school. Everything goes into it.

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